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  • 05/05/2020 11:35 AM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today outlined additional guidelines for when regions can re-open. The state will monitor four core factors to determine if a region can re-open:

    • New Infections: Based on guidelines from the CDC, regions must have at least 14 days of decline in total net hospitalizations and deaths on a 3-day rolling average. In regions with few COVID cases, the region cannot exceed 15 net new total hospitalizations or 5 new deaths on a 3-day rolling average. In order to monitor the potential spread of infection in a region, a region must have fewer than two new COVID patients admitted per 100,000 residents per day.
    • Health Care Capacity: Every region must have the health care capacity to handle a potential surge in cases. Regions must have at least 30 percent total hospital and ICU beds available. This is coupled with the new requirement that hospitals have at least 90 days of personal protective equipment stockpiled.
    • Diagnostic Testing Capacity: Each region must have the capacity to conduct 30 diagnostic tests for every 1,000 residents per month. The state is rapidly expanding capacity statewide to help all regions meet this threshold.
    • Contact Tracing Capacity: Regions must have a baseline of 30 contact tracers for every 100,000 residents, and additional tracers based on the projected number of cases in the region. The state is currently building an army of contact tracers with Mayor Bloomberg to meet the needs of each region statewide.
  • 05/05/2020 11:32 AM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Businesses and industries will open in a phased approach. Phase 1 includes construction, manufacturing and select retail (with curbside pickup). Phase 2 includes professional services, finance and insurance, retail, administrative support and real estate/rental leasing. Phase 3 includes restaurants, food services and hotels. And Phase 4 includes arts, entertainment, recreation and education. 

    Upon reopening, businesses must implement new safety precautions to help lower the risk of spreading the virus. These include strict cleaning and sanitation standards, restricting nonessential travel, adapting the workplace to allow for social distancing, and requiring masks to be worn if employees are in frequent contact with the public. Read all the requirements here.

  • 04/21/2020 9:51 AM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Blueprint Will Work to Control the Rate of Infection, Strengthen the Health Care System and Ramp Up Testing with Help from the Federal Government While Phasing an Economic Return to a "New Normal"

    Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today outlined a blueprint to un-pause New York, getting people back to work and easing social isolation without triggering renewed spread of the virus. The ultimate plan will be implemented in coordination with other states in the multi-state council.

  • 04/08/2020 12:34 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    April marks the one year anniversary for my firm joining Weichert Realtors as Lilac Properties,  after 10 years serving the Rochester/Monroe County area as an independent Real Estate Broker.  In the past year we have grown. We doubled the size of our sales team!  An advertising billboard was just erected on Winton Road at University Avenue.  Our office is located in the Town of Brighton on Elmwood Avenue.

    At this time Weichert Realtors - Lilac Properties is working within the COVID-19 directives established by New York State Association of Realtors. Our attention is focused on keeping our staff and clients safe.  We will get through this together.

    In the days ahead I ask that you look for our name, and please pass it along to those you know who could use our help.

    Curtis "Curt" Amesbury
    Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner
    T: 585.613.4606 F: 877.445.4343
    C: 585.733.7595 (text for fastest response)

  • 03/17/2020 1:43 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    SBA is offering disaster relief assistance loans for businesses that have significant economic impact from the COVID-19. NY is currently preparing their request to participate in the program.  Visit  www.sba.gov/coronavirus for detailed information and links to the disaster loans to begin compiling required paperwork.  The business loan program which will become available is called “Economic Injury”.  One thing to consider is that there may be a different loan amount that a business would need today compared to months from now when the economic injury is truly compiled.

  • 03/15/2020 3:20 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    March 15, 2020

    Dear Brighton Chamber Members,

    With the impacts of COVID-19 on our local business community already in effect, in addition to good hand hygiene and common-sense precautions with your employees and patrons, the Brighton Chamber of Commerce encourages all local businesses to consider the following:

    For your business: Prepare for negative economic impacts.

    • Capital: Create, confirm, or expand your line of credit.
    • Staffing: Develop staffing plans for varying levels of customers and revenue (what does an 80% scenario plan look like?).
    • Insurance: Check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and options.

    For your customers: Make your place of business as hygienic as possible and communicate what you are doing to customers so they feel comfortable visiting.

    For your employees: Check, modify, and communicate HR policies regarding remote working, sick-leave, and compensation during health crisis. Try to ensure your policies are as flexible and non-punitive as possible. Sick employees should be encouraged to stay home.

    For your workflow: Cross-train employees for key functions so that daily schedules can continue relatively uninterrupted by potential employee absences. Where relevant, consider staggering start and end times to reduce large numbers of people coming together at the same time; and create and test remote employee collaboration systems (consider apps such as Slack and Zoom).

    For your cashflow: Communicate with your landlord (or tenants) and lenders about expectations and request flexibility (better to have that conversation now).

    For yourself: Eat well, sleep, and exercise. Taking care of yourself in this time of stress will improve your resistance to infection and resilience in managing difficult business situations. And of course, wash your hands all the dang time and don’t touch your face, or anyone else, for that matter.

    We are cancelling our networking events until further notice. Please visit our website at BrightonChamber.org for updates on events, Chamber news, and resources to help your business weather this trying time.

    Thank you,

    Nelson Lopatin, President
    Brighton Chamber of Commerce

  • 03/09/2020 2:20 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Welcome new Brighton Chamber member The Baroness Tavern! WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING SOON! Visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/Baroness-Tavern-107691467242091 for more details.

  • 02/18/2020 6:24 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Welcome new Brighton Chamber member The Refinement Studio LLC! We provide young people and adults with the required social skills for success in relationships, employment and eventual parenthood.

    We offer etiquette development programs for children ages 5-17. For adults, we offer business etiquette, and professional and leadership development programs. Visit http://www.TheRefinementStudio.com for more details.

  • 02/07/2020 1:20 PM | Brighton Chamber of Commerce (Administrator)

    Welcome new Brighton Chamber member Citizens Bank Brighton Office! Regional bank for personal consumers and commercial banking. Visit https://www.citizensbank.com for more details.