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Welcome new Brighton Chamber member Haus Capital Corp!

11/18/2019 12:53 PM | Anonymous

Welcome new Brighton Chamber member Haus Capital Corp! Sam DiPiano, President of HAUS Capital Corp has been in the Mortgage industry for over 18 years. He believes that Mortgage Brokers fill a void in the marketplace to help make home ownership a reality. Sam officially established HAUS Capital Corp in 2017 because of his strong commitment to home ownership and making the American dream come true. Because of this belief he started HAUS Capital Corp as a registered mortgage broker because we offer a wide range of products at competitive rates and cost. Haus Capital Corporations mission is committed to providing exceptional customer service with a superior mortgage experience. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique. Our flexible and innovative mortgage products allow us to tailor a mortgage solution that is customized for you and your family. Visit http://www.hauscapitalcorp.com for more details.