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Holiday Inn Express - Network & Nibbles

01/20/2012 9:16 AM | Anonymous
Holiday Inn - Network & NIbbles _ January 20, 2012

   We had a wonderful turnout this morning for our January "Network & Nibbles" event at the Holiday Inn Express. Special thanks to our event hostess, Marci Miller. Marci does business development for Hemisphere Management, owner of the several Holiday Inn Express and the Comfort Inn locations in town.

  In addition to facilitating the event The Holiday Inn Express offered a sumptuous full breakfast AND gave away many goodies!


   All the attendees put their business cards into a box and picked a partner for extended networking & business developement.

   Brighton Supervisor Bill Moehle; town board members Jason DiPonzio & Chris Werner and Monroe County Legislator, Josh Bauroth joined us.


Hemisphere Mgmt | Holiday Inn Express & Comfort Inn | 15% off at either hotel until January 30, 2012.

The Holiday Inn Express in Brighton | 2835 Monroe Avenue | 585-784-8400
The Comfort Inn in Brighton | 2729 Monroe Avenue | 585-273-8410
The Holiday Inn Express in Greece | 1635 West Ridge Road | 585-663-8400

Hemisphere Management is a leading hospitality management firm specializing in development and hotel management. To receive your discount you must mention "The Brighton Chamber of Commerce". Not valid with other discounts.

If you would like to make group arrangements, please contact Marci Miller directly.

Member:  Marci Miller   935-1833   marcim@hemispheremgmt.com